3 Doll Short Stories To Read With Your Kids!

Aside from listening or singing songs, reading stories are great along with making art & craft projects to make learning more fun and engaging. Not all of us have the story books related to a certain theme or topic. I use story videos from YouTube or FREE short stories found online. Here, I share 3 nice "doll" themed short stories I found that you can print and read to your kids with good moral lessons such as: love, kindness, forgiveness and being helpful.

NOTE: Images used here for "The Fairy Doll" and "The Unwanted Doll" are for visual representation of the story's title only and are not the actual illustrations for the said stories.

#1 "The Fairy Doll" From PITARA KID'S NETWORK

A story about an old little doll named "Matilda" that was never given away on Christmas. Sheila and Anna are sisters who receive lots of lovely new toys every year on Christmas from their aunts and uncles so they give away their old toys but never their doll "Matilda". The new toys made fun of the old toys and Matilda but she was always good and kind. 

One night, mother saw Matilda in a dark corner and decided to transform her into the most beautiful fairy doll to decorate on top of their Christmas tree. All the new toys soon recognized the fairy doll as Matilda whom they made fun of and felt sorry for what they did to her. Matilda forgave the new toys and live happily in the toy cupboard with them and her old friends. The toys don't fight anymore and each Christmas the fairy doll Matilda goes back to the top of the Christmas Tree.

#2 "Sima And Siza" From STORYBERRIES

A story about Sima, a boy who loves to play with dolls, he wants to be a nurse when he grows up. His mama buy him lots of dolls to keep his loneliness away. Siza is Sima's favorite doll, Sima likes to play hospital-hospital with Siza and all his dolls. Sima brings Siza with him wherever he goes but his friends don't like Siza. Sima would invite papa to play dolls with him but he only says "yes" after they play soccer together. 

Papa and Sima often played soccer but never with dolls. One day, while at the park to play soccer, a ball flew out of nowhere and knocked papa down. Sima played a nurse by tying a blanket around papa's bleeding head and ask to call for an ambulance. Sima became a hero for doing the right thing to save his papa's life. His papa was very thankful to him, he now plays hospital-hospital and soccer with Sima and Sima's friends do too.

#3 "The Unwanted Doll" From BEDTIME.com

A story about Susie, an old rag doll who had been on a shelf in a store for a long time. Her one arm is missing and sitting beside her on the shelf waiting to be sewed back on but nobody ever did. It was Christmas and all the toys in the store were flying off the shelves, all except Susie. The old rag doll wanted to cry, nobody would want to take her home. One day, the bell on the door tinkled and a pretty woman and a little girl in a wheelchair with a cast on her right leg came in.

The little girl was looking for a doll and saw Susie on the shelf. The little girl thought Susie was a broken but lovely doll and wanted to take her home. The little girl felt so happy to have Susie, the shop keeper gave the old rag doll for free. The woman felt Susie just needs a little bit of love and promised to give it to her. Susie never felt happier as the little girl cuddled her close to her. It was the merriest Christmas ever for the once unwanted doll.


If you got any reactions and thoughts regarding this topic, feel free to interact and write it down in the comment box below. I'd be happy to hear from you. Thank you so much for viewing and reading.
